
Alexander Bohus


a Programmer


+44 7432 678 777


Profile Photo

I am web developer beginner, but not beginner in IT.

I ❤️ coffee and fly my drone.



    I have been interested in technology since I was 10 years old. When I was 15 years old, I started fixing computers for everyone around me.

    When I was 20, I opened my computer and mobile service shop. In the past, I created a few working websites using WordPress and Prestashop CMS systems.

    I am currently doing an online course "Web Developer". I already have the basics of HTML and CSS.

  • I owned 10 years Computer shop
  • CMS - Basic (my webpage in WP builded before I started learn to code Natlex)
  • HTML,CSS - Basic
  • Active user of Windows, Mac and Linux
  • Office, VSCode, DevTools, SEO... + active a user of Google

    Hobby & other skills

    I prefer to spend time with my family.

    I also like fast driving, drifting, cooking, flying a drone and last but not least learning about IT.

    Crazy Programmer
  • Driveing license B (I'm driver and big fun of Tesla )
  • 🛸 FPV Drone pilot, 3D printer user
  • Speak English, Slovak, Czech
  • 🔥🔥🔥 Barbeque Chef 🔥🔥🔥